

For this week assignment is used a music sheet as my background and added a mug,  roses and ribbon. 
After taking the photo, I missed some romance in it and edited the image with Nancy Claeys texture.

Here's my setup shot.

Cherly invited a guest blogger for this weeks post and she shared some very useful tips & trics.


We have a new family member!

After the children had left the nest, we moved to a smaller house and over de past years we often thought about having a dog again. So, 2014 became our "puppy year" and after two Bouviers we have chosen a small breed. 

Nadat de kinderen het nest hadden verlaten zijn we verhuisd naar een kleiner huis en hebben de afgelopen jaren vaak nagedacht over een hond. Dus, 2014 zou ons "puppy jaar" worden en na 2 Bouviers hebben we gekozen voor een klein ras.

May I introduce you to our new family member...
 Mag ik jullie voorstellen aan ons nieuwe gezinslid...


Bailey is 8 weeks old, a Dachshund and she stole our hearts.
Isn't she a cutie?!
Bailey is 8 weken oud, een ruwharige dwerg teckel en ze heeft ons hart gestolen.
 Is ze niet een snoepie?!

                                                   DACHSHUND PERSONALITY PROFILE 
Lively, alert, comic, and kind, the Dachshund is a companion who may be short of leg but is not short of personality. When threatened or suspicious, she is a great protector of her family, whom she loves.


Frugal Still Life & The 50mm Project #1

This is my first week taking part in Cheryl MacCain's "Frugal Still Life" photography 
Kim Manley Ort's "The 50mm Project" online course. 

~ Time is precious, waste it wisely! ~

The setup was simple and it cost me nothing. I used brown poster board, letters from "Scrabble" 
and an old watch of my husbands grandfather. Then edited the image with Kim Klassen's "Lilly" texture and used Perfect Effects "Center spotlight". The picture was taken with my 50mm 1.8 lens.

~ Shoes... one can never have to many! ~